Hang time with new friends

Hang time with new friends

Monday, September 2, 2024

WOW! What a wonderful, fun, thought-evoking long weekend!!!

Where to begin?!?!

We had the opportunity to spend some quality time (real in-depth, "get to know each other") time with a great couple. This was not just picking the brains of influencers & subject matter experts "Coach Bronson Dant and Coach Natalie Grasso" (of course, it WAS...partly). But this was, more importantly, a chance to get to know our new friends, Bronson and Natalie. Play card games was just a means to having some of the most "real talk", thought-provoking, self evaluation conversations that we've had in a long time. Selah.

We are all communal beings...we need interaction with each other. We all need an occasional "check- up from the neck up". When the sender, the message, and the receiver are all in the appropriate context, the process of growth and personal change can start to bloom.

Cherishing people starts at home, and radiates outward to engulf those with whom you surround yourself; and this is a couple with a giving heart that does just that

We know we'll see them in the future in a professional context, but we are so eagerly await the next time we get to hang with our friends too!!


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